It has been a wonderful day thus far- Dustin took me out for breakfast this morning at the Village Deli (very yummy) I had a pancake the size of my head filled with blueberries, bananas, and strawberries. We came home- went walking (still trying to help things along) and then went to my doctors apt. Are you sitting down? Are you ready for this one? Ok, so remember how my last visit I was dilated to a 3 and he was pretty far down..."any day" was the comment from my doctor? Today's doctors visit brought out quite the comedian in my doctor- (he actually chuckled) when he told me that little dude has retreated. SERIOUS! I am dilated to maybe a 2...more towards a 1 though and he has moved further up longer "low". Yep- Little dude has decided that he doesn't want to come any time soon. So I have pretty much come to the acceptance that as my due date is on Tuesday...there is no way he is coming before then. The doctor did give me hope and said if I don't have him by the 18th he will induce me. So- i guess I can look at it that i have only have 2 weeks until my due date that he will HAVE to come out whether or not he wants to. boohoo...oh well. I can still get a lot of stuff done with only 1 little kid! We didn't get a sitter for tonight because we both thought we would have a little boy by now- but we just got ahold of one and will be going to the movies tonight...I am thinking either The Nanny Diaries or Bourne Ultimateum. I know which one Dustin would rather see...but I do get to choose so...I will let you all know!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Self Publish your blog!
ok So I saw this and thought this would be so ideal!! I know that for me this blog has become somewhat of a journal and to find this just make me realize that this will be my journal/history and I can publish it. The prices are incredibly reasonable too!! So here is the information:
It's just a guess, but it seems to me that bloggers might daydream about publishing a book. It's really a genre that lends itself to it--from travel logs, to monthly baby blogs, to simple, beautiful photography spreads.
Thanks to, your blog can become a book in no time. With just a few clicks of the mouse, Blurb makes it so easy to layout a professional-looking publication. Just download their blog software and it will slurp (yes, a technical term) your blog text, images, comments, and links automatically into a professionally designed template, producing a draft book in real time. It supports all the major blogging platforms like Blogger,, TypePad (which brings you Goody Blog), and You can edit your entries as much as you'd like and create a beautiful hard-bound book up to 440 pages. It's the perfect gift for the technologically un-savvy grandparent who may have missed out on all the emailed web albums and daily baby blog updates.
And if you think the world wants to hold your blog in their hands, you can sell it either publically or privately to your select group at Blurb's online bookstore. Blurb gives you all the tools you need, from blog recommendations to website links, to promote your publication on your blog.
The amazingly generous folks at BLURB have offered Goody Blog readers a fabulous promotion: Create a book, any book, in the next week and receive 10% off entire purchase! Just enter PARENTSMAG07 in the promotion code field at check out.
So go ahead...bind your blog!
Posted by
5:57 PM
What else to try...
So, I don't think I have become "really really" desperate- but I am definitely trying to help nature along a little bit. I am 5 days from my due date and I am really ready to be done. Yes, I know that when he is ready to come he will come but PLEASE I am so ready to be done with this! Last night Dustin sent me to my Yoga class because I think my nerves were a little too much for is a prenatal yoga class and I love it! It is a (picture this) bunch of pregnant women, bending and stretching in ways that aren't attractive when you are not pregnant let alone when you are. I love it though, and it is a great workout. I actually woke up this morning sore! So, I decided to help things along even more and made Dustin take me on a walk (sounds like I am his pet now) but with Halle in tow there is no way I could have gone on the trail that we did pushing the stroller. So we did about 2 miles this morning, then Halle and I went to a play group for 2 hours at the park. It was so nasty hot there!!! But Halle enjoyed being out- swinging...and of course being with her friends. I have heard that sometimes cleaning puts you into labor so I did our entire home- bathrooms and all. But still no contractions. So if anyone has any other tricks that worked for them please let me know. I don't know about trying Castor oil...the thought of being sick on the toilet the whole time leading up to delivering a baby does not sound pleasant to me. BUT i would love any input at this point!!!
Posted by
5:45 PM
Monday, August 27, 2007
A true love story
This morning at 7:00am Texas time my Meme passed away. For those of you who have been reading you also know that my Granddad (her husband) passed away just about 2 months ago. Granddad passed away in Africa due to an accident- and Meme passed away due to cancer. I believe that it really was a love story, a true love story. (Kind of like the one in the Notebook). I know that they were so in love that they just couldn't go on without each other...they worked so well together. Meme was one of the best grandma's that I could ever ask for, and she set such a wonderful example of how I want to live my life. I believe the service will be on Saturday morning- and since I am due at any moment I will not be able to attend. BUT- i also am "not invited"!! When my Meme found out that she had cancer, she specifically told my mom that I was not to attend. The health of my new little boy was too important to her (she said)-once again an example of her selflessness and how she always thought of everyone else. I am praying for the comfort of everyone involved in this, and more specifically for my Father. I pray for the comfort that those involved need and appreciate the thoughts and prayers of all of you my friends send our way.
Posted by
8:02 AM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Wake Up Daddy!!
Halle now thinks that if Dustin is taking a nap, all she has to do is kiss him and he wakes up. As you can see- that worked at first until she decided to open his eyes for him!!
Posted by
9:11 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Emotional etc...
I have a really good husband- I do! This morning was a great example of why he is so good. We woke up this morning around 7:30, and we just laid in bed. Not talking, I am sure he was just enjoying the morning...two seconds later I burst into tears. Sobbing. He sits up and looks at me "What is the matter?" Full well knowing that he couldn't have possibly done anything to make me cry this early in the morning. For goodness sakes he hasn't even looked my way all morning. My reason for crying "I don't have enough sheets." I was sobbing my eyes out because I didn't have enough sheets...when in all reality he had the same amount if not less on his side of the bed. (Yes we do have sides of the bed. Mine is about 3/4 of the bed and he has the other little sliver. We have a King...) Yes, I am an emotional rollercoaster...yes I think that it has a lot to do with the fact that I am pregnant and wanting to be done. Needless to say I think to avoid my rath Dustin might sleep elsewhere tonight...poor guy.
On another note- I need Everyone's mailing address...this is both for birth annoucements and Christmas cards (trying to start early!) SO- even if you think I might have it please give it to me...and if you don't want to post it so all can read your address feel free to email me at
Posted by
12:53 PM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Are you kidding me?
What is this a picture of? Well, it is the picture of the labor and delivery area...yes... I do have a really good story. In fact a GREAT story for you all. And it is as follows.
So I am due in exactley 13 days. Last night around 7ish I started getting really bad side cramps. (the kind of cramps that you get when you are running and you ate something right before the run that you really shouldn't have)- and they were pretty intense, so I called my Doctor explained what was happening and he said "Why don't you go in to Labor and Delivery. I think you have a bladder infection." So, Dustin and I take off (yes someone is watching Halle) and go to the hospital. We get there, they run tests and check out the fetal monitor to find that, by golly I am having contractions too! So, we stay in the hospital with ZERO progress until about 10:45 when finally we decide to go home. Great recomendation from my Doctor who said why don't you go home and sleep in your bed, get your bags ready...I wouldn't be surprised if you came back.
That was the first visit. At 3am this morning (not even 4 hours later) I woke up with pretty intense contractions- I waited for about 30 minutes before waking Dustin...we timed them-- and they were coming ever 3 minutes. What is yoru first thought- I am in Labor! We call my Doctor (once again) and he said get up to the hospital now. (You see, with Halle I went from a 5 to a 10 in 15 minutes...we, all of us didn't want Dustin to deliver this boy!!!!!) So we get in there, and they say oh yes- you are in labor. We get all the paper work done, etc..and await the pending arrival of little dude. They check me and I am at a 3 (which I was at a 2 at the earlier visit to the hospital) so we think for he comes! Dustin and I talk, walk the halls, rock in the rocking name it and we did it. They come in and check me at 8 and nothing has happened. Nothing at all. At this point Dustin and I are practically jogging the labor and delivery cooridors to get labor moving. Finally at 10:30 my Doctor comes in and tells us that he has no idea what happened but the labor has pretty much died. I am stuck at a 3. He doesn't want to break my water because the baby isn't low enough so it could cause danger with the umbilical cord. He told us we were more than welcome to stick around or go home since (once again) we live so close to the hospital. We go home. We get home around 11 and I haven't had a painful contraction since we have been home. Great huh?
It isn't the fact that we don't have a little boy in our lives right now that is frustrating, it is the fact that I was in, according to my Doctor, in labor. All of us, including the Doctor totally thought that Little Dude would be joining our family early this morning. Welp, that is test run 1 and 2...maybe the third time will be the charm!
Posted by
4:07 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
How many?
My question if how many Oreo cookies are too many for a pregnant woman to consume?? Are there any risks that my son could be an Oreo addict if I eat too many?? Could he become one big oreo?? I mean we are talking about me consuming an entire package of 3 days...hahaha I LOVE BEING PREGNANT!!! Craving oreos... that is my excuse. Haha, anyone else had an weird oddly guilty cravings??
Posted by
2:14 PM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Anxiously Waiting
So this is the last picture that I have of "little dude" (as we refer to him) and know that he has grown so much!! I went to the doctor yesterday afternoon and wanted to share the report with you all...and if you aren't a fan of too much info than you might want to stop reading now. (So any male might not want to continue reading...serious) So, went into the doctor and I didn't gain a single pound in a week (that is the first time and is super exciting!!!!) then he came in and did an exam. The official word (according to my wonderful Doctor) is I am dilated to a 2...and he could feel the head the baby was low enough. Yippee!! He told me that he didn't like to guess too much regarding these things but he wouldn't be surprised if I didn't make it to my appointment next Friday because I will have either a-had him, or b-be in the hospital. So- we are just counting down till he comes!! Personally I am A-ok with him staying in for at least another week. Besides the fact that having a newborn baby is a little overwhelming..and then throw in a spirited 2 year old with that mix...I would love for him to come into this world nice and healthy. A good 8 lbs would be perfect. Dustin was a 10lb baby so I don't think I want him to be that healthy (please no) so we will just keep everyone updated!! Thanks again for all the book recommends- I am going to go to B&N to check them out!!
Posted by
6:56 AM
Thursday, August 16, 2007
A New Book
This is a plea for help!! I need a new book that I can take with me to the hospital-I don't have much time to browse through a book store and try and find one I am interested in (Halle doesn't like that idea much) so I am asking all those out there a good book that they have either recently read, or a favorite that can be read over and over again. So- let me hear them all!!!
Posted by
7:17 AM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
The First Fall
We had our first fall last night. Dustin and I were downstairs watching tv when all of a sudden we heard a huge BOOM and Halle started crying. She had rolled right out of bed. Luckily nothing was bent abnormally so she I just snuggled her and put her right down into bed.
Also on another note- today was one of the first days that Halle actually started talking about baby brother. We talked about how she is going to have to help out with binkies etc... and how he is going to sit next to her in the car...etc..etc.. and she seemed excited!! We will see how well it really goes. We are on the countdown now so- we will notify everyone whenever anything happens!!
Posted by
2:03 PM
Monday, August 13, 2007
Super Easy and Really Good Recipe!!
I tried this recipe for dinner tonight and it was a huge hit!! It was so super easy to make that I had to share this with everyone- if you do try it it makes A LOT!! So invite someone over...or put it in two 9x9 pans instead of a 9x13 to freeze and cook later.
Easy Enchilada Casserole
1 medium onion, chopped
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 (19-ounce) can enchilada sauce
1 (16-ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 (14 1/2-ounce) can diced tomatoes with jalapenos
1 (11-ounce) can Mexican-style corn, drained
1 teaspoon fajita seasoning or chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 (10-ounce) package 6-inch corn tortillas
3 cups chopped cooked chicken*
3 cups (12 ounces) shredded Mexican four-cheese blend
Saute onion in hot oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat until tender. Stir in next 6 ingredients. Reduce heat to low, and cook, stirring often, 5 minutes or until thoroughly heated.
Spoon one-third of sauce mixture in bottom of a lightly greased 13- x 9-inch baking dish. Layer with one-third of tortillas, half of chicken, and 1 cup cheese. Repeat layers with one-third each of sauce mixture and tortillas, remaining chicken, and 1 cup cheese. Top with remaining tortillas, sauce mixture, and 1 cup cheese.
Bake at 350° for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden and bubbly. Prep: 15 min., Bake: 20 min.
*2 pounds lean ground beef, cooked, may be substituted.
Posted by
7:19 PM
Friday, August 10, 2007
Jobs I’ve Held:
1. pajama folder (yes thanks dad, made me realize that I did want a college education)
2. horse trainer
3. waitress at Jay's Cafe
4. English department secretary
5. Nanny
6. Receptionist for a vet clinic
7. Receptionist at a Doctors office
Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:
1. Sweet Home Alabama
2. Legally Blond
3. In Good Company
4. and of course Cinderella (thanks Halle)
My Guilty Pleasures:
1. Reading (while I should be doing other things)
2. Shopping for deals
3. PEDICURES....especially now that I can't touch my toes!
Places I Have Lived:
1. Provo, UT
2. Aubrey, TX
3. Rexburg, ID
4. Dallas, TX
5. Murray, UT
6. Omaha, NE
7. Bloomington, IN
8. London, England
TV Shows I Enjoy:
1. Baby Story
2. Yes Dear
3. The Office
4. Friends
5. Desperate Housewives
6. Ugly Betty
7. Grey's Anatomy
What were likely the 1st things you thought when you saw your significant other for the first time?
1. The "official" first time was in Zoology class. I thought, Yeah- he is cute. He would be fun to date.
2. The second first time (does that count?) I thought...yep, he is super cute. I wonder when he will ask me out on a date if I hang and show enough attention?
Places I’ve Been on Vacation (other than the U.S.):
1. Cancun
2. Guatemala
3. Canada
4. London
5. Paris
6. Scotland
Favorite Foods:
1. Shrimp....the cold kind that you peel the legs off of (grotesque i know)
2. Icecream. Anything EXCEPT chocolate chip cookie dough.
3. My mom's black forest cake (which she rarely makes...hint hint...) And no it is nothing like the "real black forest" that has cherries in it..blah!
Websites I Visit (almost) Daily:
1. Email
2. Blog (mine and friends)
3. (you will find the most amazing deals there!!)
Body Parts I Have Injured:
1. I broke my leg when I was 3 when my cousins convinced me that I could fly...thanks guys.
2. I have osteoarthritis in my knee thanks to a horse injury.
3. and of course had a couple of sprains here and there
Nicknames I’ve been called:
1. Sam
2. Samsonite
3. Samster
4. Samyesosa
Now I get to pick other Blog buddies to do this! Tag, you're it:
1. Amy Lawson
2. Marissa Redder
3. Shelly Collins
4. Hilary Craner
5. Shannon Martino
I chose these people for a reason, because I know they'll tag others that I'm really interested in knowing better.
Have FUN!!! :)
Posted by
2:26 PM
Hair and Babes
Well, first off I told you all that I never keep the same hairstyle for long...especially when I am bored...and my hair grows so super fast for taking prenatal vitamins. So, here is the new do. I like it...a lot. Especially because I have naturally curly hair so I can do curly hair really easily with this one.
We had another Doctor apt. today... I LOVE MY DOCTOR!~! He is much better than the one I was seeing in Utah. It was just a huge difference. The good news is that Little dude is now head down and getting ready to descend- much better than last week when he was breech! I am now at the every week appointment and starting next week will be considered full term. SO- the walking will begin next week!! Dustin and Halle came with me to this appointment just because I figured Dustin should meet the doctor at least once before we get to the hospital. After the appointment we went over to the hospital to check out were we go, and all the facilities. My doctor met us there and gave us the "behind the scenes tour" (another reason why I am so impressed by him) when he didn't have to at all! Halle LOVED seeing all the babies, and her first comment was a very determined "I hold it". "NOW"!!! haha, so I am sure I am going to have quite the helper on my hands.
Other than that things are going great here in Bloomington, I have already receieved numerous phone calls from friends in the area telling me about what is happening when and why I should come. Also letting me know that they missed me this summer... LOVE IT! It always makes me feel so welcome when you realize that you are appreciated somewhere. I also love the friends that I have made here in Bloomington...definitely life long friends here. We have finally finished cleaning and getting Little Dude stuff ready so I figure Halle and I will start play groups next week.
Posted by
2:04 PM
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Check it out
There are two articles that I thought would make everyone feel better, check em out!! They are on my side post that says "goodyblog". Read No Einstein, and the McDonalds one. Thought they were pretty hilarious.
Posted by
9:27 PM
We Made It!!
Yes we made we didn't have a crazy cat on our flight that comes in later on in the story. Well, Halle and I had a crazy night last night- I don't know how these women do it who have a family bed. There is NO WAY I would ever do that!! Halle and I spent the night at a hotel right next to the airport and shared a bed. She is the biggest snuggle buddy ever! All night long I had little limbs and body parts touching me. It didn't matter that I had three pillows piled up high so she could reach me...she slept great...I woke up about every 30 minutes to push her over to her side. We got up and were at the airport by 5:45 to find a line out the door for security. My first thought was what kind of crazy person gets flights this early?? oh! The first flight went great, short and quick...the best. The second flight was a little bit longer but Halle took a little nap so we were happy! The only scary part of the flight was when the pilot dropped from 3000 feet in the air to 700 in about 20 seconds...and i thought I was going into labor.The good news...I guess, is that I didn't have him today. Dustin picked us up and we made it safely back to find two angry cats. Yes, for those of you who don't know we have cats. No we didn't leave them all alone in the townhome for the summer- but had a lady in our church take care of them at her house. And one is especially still being cranky! She hisses at the other cat all day. These cats have gone through 8 moves in their short 3 years of life...they have gone through a lot. And they are still alive and living with us. Hopefully the one who is being a snot will chill out and resort back to regular life of sleeping...eating...and letting Halle run things all over her. We will see though!! Bloomington is gorgeous right now, HOT and very very humid but we are excited to be back!!
Posted by
9:00 PM
Saturday, August 4, 2007
100 Mile Club!
Yeah for Dustin!! He has achieved the 100 mile club for the year-which is a big accomplishment seeing as he really started running when we got to Utah!! I bet that he will hit 400 by the time the year is done, he has become quite the runner!! I am super proud of him too seeing as I think I have hit the...5 mile club this year?? (sad huh??) But once we get back to Bloomington I will start walking and then once little dude arrives the treadmill and I will become best buds! Once again...YEAH for a wonderful fit runner of a husband!~
Check out the link!®ion=us&language=en&locale=en_us&dateFormat=MM/DD/YY
And yes his nickname is Big Dizzle...
Posted by
1:00 PM
Friday, August 3, 2007
What a Scare!!
I had my last doctor visit yesterday here in Utah and it started out REALLY scary!! I go in, and for those of you who don't know they usually always start off with listening to the heartbeat then they measure you. Well, the nurse listened...moved it and listened again...then moved it again and listened. She then stopped- looked at my chart... and said I need to go get the doctor I will be right back. I stopped her and asked what was wrong and she said that she was hearing two different heartbeats. Yep, not one...two. Not only did I start breathing really really fast but I started thinking...what am I going to do? The doctor came in and did the normal chit chat... (I am still hypervenilating) then listed to the heartbeat and told me-don't worry there is only one. I don't know what that nurse was talking about! THANKS! So not only did the nurse almost put me into premature labor- but scared me to death!!! The rest of the appointment went great, I got approved for flight on Tuesday to go back to Indy (yeah!!) Yes, you do have to get approved when you are as far along as I am. And I got a Doctor's note to ok me. We are good to go! Hopefully this isn't my last blog in Utah... we will see though!!
Posted by
8:55 AM
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Toy Scare
Here we go again. Mattel is recalling one million toys, many of which are Elmo- and Dora the Explorer-branded. There are 83 different products involved in the recall, which is due to lead paint from—you guessed it—China. The good news is that more than two-thirds of the toys were pulled from shelves before anyone bought them, but that still leaves about 300,000 toys out there. Yikes. Find out if you have any of the toys involved in the recall at Mattel's site (and take them away form your kids asap!)
Here is the website to check out:
Posted by
9:23 PM
Kidding me right?
For many of you, you may not get as big of a kick as we did out of receiving a letter for my cousin... in our mailbox... that lived in our apartment 5+ years ago. Weird? Yes... i had to take a pick of it..and don't worry Shannon and Blake we are going to apply for the credit card and buy lots of fun big expensive things with it. (smile!)
Posted by
2:38 PM