For those of you who have seen Finding Nemo (more than likely everyone) we all know the bird Nigel. One of the first times we meet Nigel is when he runs into the dentists window head on and then continues to talk to the fish in the tank. Halle is absolutely petrified of Nigel! Every time he runs into the window it scares her so bad that she just loses it all over, complete with sobbing, shaking until I switch it to a different movie- but then she is sad because she can't watch "Meno" anymore. Well, we didn't think too much of it until this afternoon when I put her down for a nap and then all of a sudden we hear a huge boom and then she starts wailing from upstairs. My first thought was that she had somehow learned to climb out of her crib and is now laying on the ground in her room. We get up there and she is just panic stricken, her fingers are bleeding, and she is telling us something about a bird in between blubbering (while she is still in her crib). Come to find out, we believe either something ran into her window, or she was just dreaming but she had the vivid image of Nigel running into the window. It had scared her so bad that while she was sleeping she had bit her fingers (she sucks her fingers) so they were bleeding. Yikes! So-needless to say we have put Nemo on the back shelf and will once again start watching it at a later time...much much later.
GROSS!! I KNOW! For those of you who haven't seen these things...count yourself lucky. These are house centipedes. They are most commonly found in damp basements (thanks for the great basement that we have). Just the other day we found our first one...of course using my skills I learned from growing up in Aubrey Texas what did I do... I stuck a canning jar on top of this thing and made Dustin take care of it. (Yes, that is what we would do back at home...stick a jar on top of it and eventually someone else would do something about is the best way to catch big spiders and scorpions!) So we just thought it was a creepy bug in our house...and it was gone. Nope- just the other night Dustin and I were watching DejaVu (pretty good... fun movie to watch) and all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I see one of these things walking along the wall!! I screech, Dustin jumps, and it is a mad hunt. These things are fast...really fast...and they can jump. Needless to say it was pretty entertaining to watch Dustin kill this thing while the cats were trying to help. Which bring about my last point...didn't we get these cats so we wouldn't have any bug problems? They are slackers, and will be put on the treadmill tonight to re-train and get ready for the next big hunt.
January 2025
2 weeks ago
those bugs are growss, Dusitn wasn't joking
That is so funny about the seagull. Anna was terrifed of the doorman in Curious George. We had to fast forward it everytime!
Now you REALLY made me scared of house centipedes! They're NASTY!!!
NASTY BUGS!! And that is sad about Halle being so scared of the bird! Of course, I was scared of a chicken alarm clock when I was little; you can ask D about that one...
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