We had quite the night last night- poor poor Bennett. It all started on Tuesday when I gave him a sip of milk for lunch (he is 1) and then put him down for nap. When he woke up he had a fever, nothing too serious so I just figured he would get over it. When he woke up on Wednesday morning he had huge hives all over his legs-like the size of half dollars! I called the nurse and he said to try giving him milk again (whatever) I thought that was stupid advice so I ignored it and just kept him on Benadryl and Motrin all day. I called the nurse again around noon (luckily) I spoke with another nurse and she told me to keep up the meds and to not let him go anywhere near milk products just in case they were the cause of this. I kept him all doped up until around 7:30 when I finally took his temp again and it came in at 104 and he still had major hives all over!! I called the nurse again and he said to take him in to the Urgent Care immediantly. SO- since Dustin has late night meetings I called a friend, she came and got Halle while her husband and another friend and her husband (confusing I know, but trying to not use names) came over to give Bennett a blessing. (As a side not for those not a member of our church- we believe that all male members of the Church who are worthy and prepared may receive the priesthood to help lead the Church and serve Heavenly Father’s children. A man with the priesthood might serve by leading congregations of the Church, performing the ordinances of the Church (such as baptism), and blessing those who are sick. God expects those who hold this sacred priesthood authority to follow the example of Jesus Christ and serve with love, gentleness, and kindness.) ANYWAY- they came over and gave Bennett a blessing to feel better and then one of my very dear friends volunteered to go to the Doctor with me. We headed over there at 8:15 ready for a long night. We waited, and talked....and talked and waited... until we finally got in and got seen. They had no idea what was causing all of this and decided that they should check for a bladder infection. They checked and nothing. The doctor sent stuff to the labs for them to check and told us to go home and just watch and wait. If he gets any worse to go in asap. We got home around 1:00 am...Bennett was wasted and we were exhausted. As I fell asleep last night I just prayed that everything would be ok. Bennett woke up around 10am (it was a really long night) and all symptoms were gone. Hives were gone, his fever was gone, and his eyes (you know how sick babies eyes just look sick?) well they looked great. How thankful am I that I have such wonderful friends, and for the opportunity to have the priesthood in my life to help when needed. It was a stressfull night, but I am glad that it has ended the way it has.
January 2025
2 weeks ago
I'm so glad that Bennett is feeling better. It is so hard when your baby is sick, and you don't know what to do for him.
That must have been really hard! I'm glad he was able to get a blessing and I'm glad things are much much better! Poor guy!
Oh that just breaks my heart when kids are so sick. Isn't the priesthood amazing. We have seen many times when the blessing have helped our sick kids. I'm glad he is feeling better.
I just hate it when they are in pain and there isn't much you can do about it. I think it is great that we can call on the Priesthood whenever we have a need. God really does love his little ones!
Poor Bennett!!! Glad you had pals around that could help you out, and that he's feeling better.
I'm glad that he is ok... it's always scary when your child is sick and you can't help them.
Oh man...how scary! SO glad Bennett is okay now! Thanks for your testimony, we really are SO blessed to have the power of the Priesthood available to us!
How strange! But I'm so glad bennett is okay - how stressful sick babies are!
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