When Samye leaves, I'm inconsolable. Five days left and counting...Check it out.
Thanks to the Backstreet Boys for letting me use their song.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Please Come Home
Posted by
8:13 PM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
We leave today (the kids and I) on a vacation to Texas!! We are super excited to see family and feel the warmth and sunshine-but will miss Dustin so much! He will be here holding down the fort finishing up papers, going to class, and working. (boohoo) We fly out of Indy at 5pm and land in DFW at 10:00pm (nasty) so wish me luck flying with two kiddos!! I will update with pics as soon as we get back- au revior~
Posted by
8:53 AM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter
We hope you guys had a great Easter Sunday- we thoroughly enjoyed the cold weather and snow that we got (sarcasm intended)!!
Posted by
9:03 PM
Friday, March 21, 2008
If you know me, then you know that I enter EVERY possible contest known to man. And up until yesterday I hadn't won anything...ever. But I finally won something!! Many of you know of www.goodyblog.com and the many good things they give away constantly- and well I won a movie!! Check out their website...you will see my name!!! WooHoo!!
Posted by
12:18 PM
Learning to catch
This is from about two days ago- Dustin marks it as one of the best days ever...both of his kids learned how to catch on the same day. Yes, they are two years apart...but I think Halle got my hand/eye coordination. Enjoy!!
Posted by
11:32 AM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Pre- Easter hunt
We enjoyed a pre-easter egg hunt today at playgroup. I think Halle is going to LOVE easter this year!!
Posted by
8:14 PM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
First time swinging
We went outside and enjoyed the "warmer weather" on Saturday- and Bennett got to experience his first time swinging! He was so solemn and just chilled the whole time. Halle on the other hand LOVED swinging- Dustin was pushing Halle at first until Halle said "mom, please you push me dad is slow"! That is when the swinging really got fun. We are VERY exciting for the warm weather to come!!
Posted by
11:13 AM
Monday, March 17, 2008
Kids Names
I am finally getting around to doing my tags- here is one of them, and I promise (Ola) that the purse one will follow shortly!!
Halle Jean
Halle comes from...well I have always liked that name, and the spelling came from Halle Berry.
Jean came from my middle name which is my Meme's middle name (and my Willa Jeans) name too.
Bennett Dustin
Bennett- Once again we liked the name.
Dustin- this is a hard one I know, but named after his dad.
Posted by
7:30 PM
Friday, March 14, 2008
St. Louis!!!
We had a great trip, and are super glad to be back. It was a nice vacation though- we got to see the Arch, Union Station, the Zoo, downtown St. Charles, Botanical Gardens, tried going to Grant's Farm but it was closed (after a 45 minute drive there ggrrrr) enjoyed riding the metro everywhere, and of course Halle loved swimming in the hotel swimming pool!!
Halle was super excited to see the Arch...she just kept gaving it lots and lots of hugs.
It was so beautiful...and cold!
Posted by
8:30 PM
St. Louis Zoo
Hands down one of the best zoos that i have ever been to. First off- it was free!! That is right, for all of us to get in we paid NOTHING! They charged for parking, but if you parked along the street you didn't have to pay!
Second as you can see the exhibits are SO close! It was so neat to be so close!! And yes, that is a REAL penguin!! You could reach right up and touch it!! (If you weren't scared about getting your hand bitten off)
My cheesy cute boys!
Posted by
8:24 PM
Botanical Gardens
What were we thinking...going, and paying to go to a botanical garden in the dead of winter?? The flower picture is because we were inside one of the two indoor garden areas...it is pretty right?
The kids did have lots of fun together.
And check out the beautiful rose garden...
Posted by
8:20 PM
Gym Class
Halle started a gymnastics class- these are some pics we took on Sat. the 8th.
Not very impressed with her teachers...they just stand in the corner and talk so the parents do all the work.
But hey-Halle loves it so...
Posted by
8:15 PM
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Spring Break
We are leaving on vacation early tomorrow morning...wish us luck!! We decided since we live so close to some amazing sites that we had to see them before we move in a few short months!!! I'll update when we get back!!
Posted by
9:11 PM
Friday, March 7, 2008
6 Months
Bennett is 6 months old today!! Time has just flown by (for the most part)!! He is such a happy baby, and so eager to get moving to stay up to his big sister. I don't have any stats on him yet because his Dr. apt is on the 21st but will let you know when we go!! We are STILL having sleeping issues, ie not being able to sleep thoroughly through the night but hopefully we will have a job in about 3 months that will enable us to get a bigger home! Enjoy the laughs...
Posted by
7:52 PM
Dinner Laughs
We had a blast at dinner last night as you can see. Halle also got a new swimsuit- which was the cause of MAJOR tantrums when we had to take it off.
Posted by
7:39 PM
Monday, March 3, 2008
Mr. Funny pants and Ms. Emotional
Gotta love Bennett- he is always so happy! (Note that this is a clean diaper on his head!!!)
Also-watch Halle's emotions behind him...I think we are in for it when she is a teenager!!!
Posted by
9:59 AM
Sunday, March 2, 2008
About me
So I have been tagged with this one like three times so I figured I need to do this! Here you go-
1. What were you doing 10 years ago:
I was 14 and in my Freshman year in high school. I was playing in the Fort Worth Youth Orchestra, running track, and loving being back in public school with lots and lots of boys!
2. Things on my to-do list today:
Get to church on time (done) enjoy a relaxing afternoon with my husband, cook a delicious roast for dinner (in the oven), and hopefully go for a walk tonight (it was 60 when we came home from church)!!!
3. What would I do if I suddenly became a billionaire:
Buy Dustin a new car...his dream car (he dreams of the day when he isn't driving the civic), buy the home of our dreams when he gets a job, take all of our family on a huge nice vacation somewhere tropical, and invest the rest for our future.
4. Bad habits: Picking my fingers, not finishing the laundry 100% ( I am so bad with that and would love any suggestions) being "too" nice (Dustin says I am a martyr too much)
5. Places I have lived: Provo UT, Denton TX, Aubrey TX, Rexburg ID, Dallas TX, Murray UT, Omaha NE, and Bloomington IN
6. Jobs I have had:
Russell Newman (folding shirts all day every day for a summer...BLAH), a horse trainer, Dr. Evans office, Applebees, Jay's Cafe, BYU-I English Department, Holt's Vet Clinic, and the best one- a mommy
7. Things people don't know about me:
I love waffles...especially with homemade strawberry jam, coolwhip, and syrup YUMMY! I have nightmares very easily about extremely weird stuff, I love cycling classes, I HATE cold weather (I think that could come back and bite me depending on where Dustin gets a job), OH and the best one yet - I had fifths disease over Christmas break. Yep, look it up... not very common in adults...and whose kid I got it from...we will never know.
Posted by
12:31 PM