Our desktop computer crashed. Hence the lack of posting. You would think after reading a couple of blog posts from others about their computers crashing that I would make sure all photos etc were safe...but no. We lost EVERY photo since 2006 except for what is on my blog and what little I saved to snapfish. So for now- no photos...just the warning to make sure you have all your photos saved in a second spot for the "just in case".
Christmas Trip Part 4
1 week ago
Oh no! This seems to be happening so much lately. I have heeded the warning and have backed up all my pictures.
oh that breaks my heart! I'm so sorry!
ps- that was me, Heather :)
So sorry to hear about the lost photos. Have you taken the hard drive (or whatever it is that stores them) into a professional computer place? Sometimes they can be salvaged! It might cost a pretty penny, but it might be possible?!
Total bummer Samye. That has happened to me twice so I know how it is. I finally got a little desktop backup drive. So sorry for the lost docs and photos. Very maddening!
Hey Sam! I was just lamenting with my husband about the loss of your pictures, and he (being an I.T. guy) says that it is almost always possible to recover your pictures from a crashed hard drive. It can be a little pricey to have a company do it, but you can google 'hard drive recovery' and see lots of options. I hope you are able to get them back. And thank goodness for a blog to preserve at least some of them!
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