We had a fun morning this morning. Enough fun for me for awhile. I went running this morning- while I was out running D was upstairs showering and Bennett decided he was hungry NOW. He didn't want to wait for breakfast and wanted to find something to eat-so he opened up the pantry and the only thing he could eat were peanuts. He ate some (no idea how many) put them back, and kept rummaging. When I got back Halle came to me and yelled "Bennett ate peanuts". I didn't think it was too big of a deal (Halle is telling on him because they finished off a bunch of Miles cereal the other day because they were hungry and got in trouble...and no we don't starve our children), so I went upstairs to shower and get ready. At about 7:45 Bennett starts throwing up, then his body starts getting hives EVERYWHERE, and the hives start swelling....I immediantly throw him in a cold tub and give him some benadryl (thanks to my good friend Liz whose son is allergic to milk I knew what to do). From that point I start watching him.... and then his face starts to swell up like a balloon. (anyone seen Hitch? When he eats....what shellfish?) so I call our Dr. and immediantly take him in. Of course by the time we get in and see the Dr. evertyhing is looking better, but he does say that yes, Bennett does have a peanut allergy and to remove all peanuts from where he can get to them. He also sent us home with an epipen. Nice. The good news is that Bennett is just fine, and that yes- all peanut products will have to be removed from his reach- and I will have to start checking labels because peanuts are in a lot of things!
Christmas Trip Part 4
1 week ago
Um that's scary. I would have freaked...way to go being all calm and smart!
I would die without peanut butter. Poor boy.
Oh no. That stinks. Hopefully he'll grow out of it in a few years!!!!
The list of things we have in common just keeps growing. Thank goodness for Epipens and Benadryl. Good luck label reading!
Oh Samye that is scary! I'm sorry because there are SO MANY things that have peanut products in them. I tried giving him some of our PJ&J at mutual and luckily he didn't want any. And thank you for clarifying that you don't starve your children... I was worried haha!
Oh, Sam. I feel your pain! At least you found out on your watch and handled it well!
I am so sorry! Poor kid is allergic to everything. good luck!
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