Seriously has it already been over a week and a half? Time is going so fast... I was thinking up a good excuse for not getting more pics know- I have no time, I have been on a blog vacation, I am way too busy with everything else I am trying to keep going. But in all reality I just don't want to. (And our computer is acting up...)but seriously, I know I need to update with what we are up to-what is happening with life. But sometimes I just don't feel like it. I need to get better, keep updating this thing as it is a journal of sorts of our life. So much has happened in the past couple days that I really do need to document it.
I am gearing up for my triathlon this next saturday...want to see me get my hiney handed to me? Come cheer me only starts at 6:30 am. I had a 50 minute run this morning and it felt great, I had no desire to walk and felt like I could run forever. I love the training program that I am on- they give it to you in minutes. today was a 50 minute run, tomorrow is a 45 minute bike ride, with a 30 minute swim, and Saturday is a 60 minute bike ride. Geezz, this training is taking so much time- but I appreicate it for getting me into gear with working out. I can't believe I am doing this to myself (yes self inflicted pain here) with Miles being just shy of 6 months on race day.
Halle is a way too funny. She is super into making friends and will introduce herself to anyone (even the 13 year old girl at the park). She got this giraffe from one of Dustin's GA's the other night (we had them over for dinner) and seriously what else could a little girl want but a life sized girraffe.
Bennett is gearing up for the father and son campout this weekend. He is so super excited that he can hardly contain himself, and you bet I am excited for some one on one time with Halle (with a side of Miles of course). Who knows how Bennett will do, but I keep pushing Dustin to take him because, seriously, what better way could they spend Friday night?
Miles...sweet sweet Miles. He has won all of our hearts (even Bennett's!!). He is loving cereal, is working on sitting up, and loves to be spoken to. He is the easiest baby ever. He is sleeping from 8pm to 8 am just about every night -which is heaven! He is my first binkie baby....I love it although I do go into a panic if I can't find one handy. Life is good, and I don't think I could ask for anything else...
Christmas Trip Part 4
1 week ago
oh i'm so excited for your race! Good luck!! My pants are getting tighter. Boo! Monday. That's when I'm going to kick it in gear. Why not tomorrow?? Monday just sounds better, plus it's snowing outside right now. Could I come to vegas tomorrow?? I'm seriously going crazy with this weather.
Miles is a cutie. I don't know who he looks like. Not bennett. Not halle. What do you think? Hope everything is going good. Talk to you soon. xoxo
Samye! Good for you training for your Tri. Why are we so die hard? =) Julia was 2 weeks old, and I was iching so bad to get into shape. I will be thinking of you running your tri, cause the same day I am runnin a half marathon. Crazy, but the only way I could get into shape was to train for something. You have to have motivation right? Good luck to you! And PS, your little baby is so adorable!
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