Well, since Dustin had to work on Wednesday (the official V-day) we decided that we were going to celebrate on Friday night. I got a babysitter from the ward and Dustin had all his plans set for a wonderful night (I still had no idea what was going to happen). I woke up on Friday morning and did my usual routine- got Halle up, we went downstairs and ate breakfast (waffles) then turned on Elmo. I was tired so sat down by Halle to watch Sesame Street...and then all of a sudden Halle turned towards me (at this point she is standing right next to me) looks funny...and then throws up ALL over me!!! Yes, yes, Happy Valentine's Day to me!! So, we spent (yes Dustin didn't go to work because there was no way I, a pregnant woman, was going to bend over and clean the mess up) so we spent all day cleaning up throw up (yes mutliple times) and trying to get Halle to stay as calm/immobile as possible so the mess didn't go too far. It was a sad day. BUT- needless to say the babysitter was canceled and Dustin had to switch the plans to work out of our house. It was so wonerful!! He outfitted our family room into a home theatre. He put "curtains up" to black it out, got a projector from campus, and made a movie for us to watch. It was so romantic!! It had all the pics of different things we have done in our many years of marriage along with my favorite music. Took a lot of time and effort and it was so cute!!! Then we watched The Guardian with Ashton Kutcher and Kevin Costner (sp??) It was pretty good. It was a very fun night!! Luckily Halle didn't wake up at all last night (even though she had absolutely nothing on her stomach) so when she awoke at 7:30 this morning I just started praying that this throw up thing was over, and it was!! Poor little girl woke up just shaking because she was so hungry!! She ate with her regular appetite today and had her regular attitude so all is well!!!
It continues to snow and be down right cold (high of 15 today) but hey...at least if it is this cold we have TONS of snow!! Dustin got "in trouble" at work the other day when asked if Halle enjoyed playing in the snow...his reply, which is true, she doesn't know. Her parents don't like the snow nor the cold so...she doesn't get the chance. But I think if it weren't so icy outside I would be more willing to let her explore but it is so icy and cold I worry about her slipping and falling. Needless to say we are looking into the future at moving somewhere a little bit warmer. Anyway- we are watching the All-Star Dunk Contest so I better go...
February Lately...
5 days ago
What a great husband (!) to a great daughter in-law and mommy!! This brings back memories of the time Becky, David and four kids were staying with us in our Dallas home...one by one, 11 people got sick, threw up all over my house and I ended up cleaning up most of it by myself...Bryan was, of course, playing in the band.......
Mom :(
Don;t feel bad one bit Samye, Quoran wants to play in the snow but I tell him it is too cold and he can't go outside at the dorm alone. He has now proclaimed he woudl rather move back to California or FLordia where it doesn't snow. I say snow is OVERRATED!!!
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